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Do I Need A Vaccine To Travel?

Prior to travel, I always check to see if there are any vaccinations that are required or suggested, before going to any particular country or region. For example, prior to going to Thailand, we were vaccinated for Hepatitis A and Typhoid. Since we traveled to South Africa afterwards, the same vaccinations were needed and our previous ones were still effective.

Now that everyone’s still going through the Covid-19 Pandemic, it’s of course advised that the Covid vaccine be included into your vaccination regimen, especially when traveling abroad.

I remember someone saying once that the worst accident is the one that could have been prevented. I believe in taking precautions. Remember when Zach Effron contracted typhoid while abroad?

Many countries aren’t as advanced as ours. If you like to explore nature, beaches, visit animals or outdoor markets, you can easily come in contact with insects that aren’t known to us in the US. Have you ever been bitten by a mosquitto in Jamaica and thought it hurt just a little more than it would normally? Exactly! So, it’s best to err on the side of caution, roll up your sleeve, and get the suggested vaccination (s) because it could be a matter of life or death.

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